
Chicken and Potato Thai Yellow Curry

chicken thai yellow curry with potato recipe by mae jum  

Chicken Thai Yellow Curry with Potato


A delicious chicken Thai yellow curry for my eldest daughter, she is definitely one to like a spicier curry, unlike my youngest. I cooked a similar dish to this but as green curry, take a look here. You really can't go wrong when cooking with chicken and by using potatoes just makes life that much easier as it doesn't require too much prep!

With a dish like this, I would usually make extras so that there are leftovers for lunch the next day. No harm in having curry twice a week is there... it's too good to just have it once! You can also make a vegan version of this too which is just as simple, it goes well with tofu or you can try with aubergines even try swapping the potatoes to sweet!

You absolutely can't go wrong with this dish, follow the recipe below and there's a video tutorial to help you along the way! If you're cooking this recipe, please take photos and tag us @maejumsamunprai on social media, we would love to share! If you liked this recipe go ahead and check out our other ones such as Yellow curry and bamboo shoots!

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Chicken and Potato Thai Yellow Curry

A tasty and comforting meal with medium spice! An easy meal for a week day dinner!

  • 35 g Yellow Curry Paste
  • 360 g chicken thigh
  • 400 ml coconut milk
  • 40 g red chilli
  • thai basil leaves (Handful)
  • 100 ml water
  • 1 tbsp fish sauce
  • 1 tbsp palm sugar
  1. Preparation

  2. Peel the potatoes and cut them into chunks

  3. Cut the Chicken in bite size pieces

  4. Slice the red chillies

  5. Cooking Method

  6. Add a quarter of the coconut milk into a large saucepan with the curry paste and bring to a light boil. Blend together well

  7. Add the fish sauce and palm sugar to taste and mix well

  8. Add the chicken, potatoes with the remaining coconut milk into the saucepan. Simmer for 20 minutes or until everything is cooked

  9. Turn off the heat and stir in the red chillies and Thai basil. Serve hot with freshly made Thai fragrance rice.

ADd Mae Jum Thai Yellow Curry Paste to your basket!

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